create a protocol for productivity
Save & organize results
- Save supplements and cannabis profiles into lists conveniently organized by recommended time-of-day.
- Save results in alternate schedules to suit your lifestyle and routine.
- Apply filters when you want to focus on a specific protocol or neurotransmitter.
Discover powerful combinations
- Learn about combinations that can enhance the effects of a supplement or type of cannabis.
- Understand the appropriate dosage for creating the desired effect.
- Access expert tips on how & when to apply specific synergies for maximum benefits.
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Get Verified Product Recommendations
- Save time by skipping the search for quality supplements online or at the store.
- Order your supplements with confidence and avoid mislabeled & misleading products.
- Know before you go and always leave the dispensary with cannabis you can count on.
Get Individualized Support
- Post questions privately or in our membership forum.
- Get fast, accurate answers to help guide your process and experience rapid results.
- Compare your choices to what's been working for others with similar scores.
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You could try to go it alone, but history (and research) has shown that if you want to make a major change, it pays to be actively engaged. As a member, you'll have that opportunity each week at the DREAM BIG meetup...where experts offer their insights and the community shares what's moving them forward faster. This is more than rambling about productivity hacks. So put away the meditation app that you hardly use, and come join us for an engaging conversation about how to manage your mood & mental attitude to pursue your most important goals.
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