This strategy promotes the synthesis & release of dopamine, and is best applied early morning and/or midafternoon. A combination of one dopamine cofactor, precursor, and augmentor are incorporated to address the most needs of undermethylated types.
- Vitamin B12 (cofactor)
- Tyrosine or Mucuna Pruriens (precursor)
- Eleuthero or Panax Ginseng
- If you’re the type of person who likes to get your day started BEFORE having breakfast, opt for tyrosine as your dopamine precursor supplement and take it as soon as you wake up. Otherwise, take Mucuna with your first meal of the day.
- Take B12 & Eleuthero soon after your precursor of choice. For tyrosine users, consider a light snack (such as a few pieces of fruit) to prevent stomach upset from B12 and better absorption of Eleuthero/Panax.
- Consider an activity that requires deep thought, contemplation, or careful consideration. Engaging in activities such as meditating, planning, and brainstorming all ways to activate dopamine and tend to yield the best results in the early morning.
Remember to reassess your dopamine after applying a strategy for a few days.