These icons appear on items to indicate the affected neurotransmitter(s).
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Dopaminergic. promotes the synthesis or activity of dopamine.

Endorphinergic. promotes the synthesis or activity of endorphins.


Noradrenergic. promotes the synthesis or activity of noradrenaline.

Cholinergic. promotes the synthesis or activity of acetylcholine.


GABAnergic. promotes the synthesis or activity of GABA.

Serotonergic. promotes the synthesis or activity of serotonin.

These icons appear on items to indicate the optimal time-of-day.

Rising. sunrise to mid-morning.


Morning. mid-morning to noon.


Noon. noon to mid-afternoon.


Afternoon. mid-afternoon to sunset.


Evening. sunset to bedtime.

These icons appear on items to indicate additional benefits & important alerts.

Synergistic. combining with another supplement may increase potency.

Methylation agent. increases or decreases methylation of neurotransmitters.

Cortisol modulator. affects the synthesis or activity of the stress hormone cortisol.

Glucose regulator. attenuates changes in blood sugar levels.